Teacher Packet
Leo Valledor
Teacher Packet
Carlos Villa
Carlos Villa Biography and Lesson Plans
Teacher Packet
Bernice Bing
Biography and lesson plans
Whirling Snow on the River Bank
Whirling Snow on the River Bank, 1639, by Lan Ying (1585–1664). China; Ming dynasty (136–1644). Hanging scroll; ink on silk. Transfer from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Gift of Mrs. Austin Hills, B69D56.
Teacher Packet
Chiura Obata
Biography and lesson plans
Masami Teraoka: A Conversation with the Artist
The “Paintings by Masami Teraoka” exhibition was on view at the Asian Art Museum from October 22, 1997 to January 25, 1998. This exhibition featured thirty-three current paintings and four prints by Masami Teraoka (b. 1936), a Japanese-born painter of contemporary American pop art. The Asian Art Museum was pleased to present Paintings by Masami Teraoka as a partial response to the frequently asked question, “What happened in Japanese art after the middle of the nineteenth century?”
Teacher Packet
Arthur Okamura
Biography and lesson plans
Teacher Packet
Jade Snow Wong
The lessons below increase in the level of analytical thinking required of the students, with Lesson 1 being accessible to all grade levels and the final lesson, Lesson 5, being more appropriate for Grades 9-12+.