Mudras for Hindu Deities
Space Sculpture Inspired by Afruz Amighi’s My House, My Tomb
In this activity, you will create your own “space sculpture” out of found objects, light, and shadow.
Fire Wrapped in Paper: Make Your Own Paper Lantern
Create your own paper lantern and retell “The Girl Who Used Her Wits.”
Odon the Giant - Story Time Draw Along
Students will draw their favorite unlikely, small hero from the Philippine folk tale “Odon the Giant.”
Are There Geckos in Your Garden?
Tiger and Puppy Paper Plate Animals
The story “Tiger and Puppy” is about a village with five families, where a mischievous tiger would eat all the food. An unlikely hero, a small puppy, comes to the rescue and helps the villagers capture the tiger. Create your own paper plate animals to retell this Korean folktale.
Tiger and the Puppy
Asian Art Museum Storyteller, Miriam Mills, engages pre-school students in the museum’s Korea galleries by telling a Korean folktale about a tiger and a puppy using artworks from the Asian Art Museum’s collection.
Asian Art Museum Storyteller, Miriam Mills, tells the story of Rangda, the Balinese witch.
The Magic Tea Kettle (Bunbuku Chagama)
Asian Art Museum Storyteller, Jeff Byers, tells a Japanese folktale about a magical raccoon-dog, or tanuki, who uses its shape shifting powers to reward its rescuer for his kindness.