Samurai: Design Your Own Symbol
The imagery on a samurai’s armor expresses that samurai’s identity and source of inspiration or empowerment. Is there an image you connect with most?
Mapping Your Special Space
Personal Space (2001), a layered, dreamlike painting by Kolkata-based artist Jayashree Chakravarty, is an imaginary map built up from painted strips of paper. In this activity, create your own map based on your special place.
teamLab-inspired Chigiri-e
Make your own torn-paper collages inspired by the images created in the teamLab experience.
Elephant Explorers
In the spring of 2020, a herd of wild Asian elephants started migrating north from Southwest China. As of June 2021, the elephants have traveled 500 kilometers, navigating through rural areas and cityscapes toward an unknown destination. Scientists believe this unusual migration was spurred by deforestation, urbanization, and habitat loss.
Teacher Packet
Pattern Recognition: Activity Packet
In this packet, you will engage with Wofford’s mural, learn about different Asian cultures and identities, and celebrate Asian American artists from the San Francisco Bay Area. With what you’ve learned and researched, you will then create your own patterns in a digital collage art project.
Beliefs Made Visible: Why Script Matters
Make Your Own Seal Script Stamp
Make your own seal script stamp and use it to “sign” a decorated postcard.
Origami Reina
The most famous object in the Asian Art Museum’s collection and among the most celebrated ancient Chinese bronzes in the world, this is the only bronze work in the form of a rhinoceros known to have been made during the Shang dynasty (approx. 1600–1050 BCE). The museum affectionately refers to this object as Reina, which means princess or queen in Spanish. Fold an origami Reina using these instructions.
“Color Affects space”: Leo Valledor, Race, and Reception
Objectives: To understand how Valledor’s Filipino American identity shaped his art and his reception by the art community; to learn how to brainstorm substantive interview questions.