Origami Teapot
Fold your own origami teapot.
Fold your own origami teapot.
Objective: Students will consider how public art promotes civic participation and social commentary by 1) researching Bay Area public art and completing research assignments or, 2) submitting grant proposals for hypothetical public art.
Background Information
Islam has been an important cultural force in much of Asia for more than five hundred years, and in some parts for more than a thousand. Today, far more Muslims live in other parts of Asia than in the Arab areas of Asia such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Syria.
Background Information
The vast Tibetan pantheon includes numerous peaceful and wrathful deities, who guide and protect believers on their paths to enlightenment. Among the images of peaceful deities are those of buddhas and bodhisattvas, great teachers, and high monks. Wrathful deities, such as the guardian deities, use their power to protect Buddhism and to destroy the three major obstacles to enlightenment: anger, greed, and ignorance.
In this activity, you’ll learn how to make no-sew bojagi that you can use to wrap a gift for a special person in your life.
Create a WPA-inspired poster based on one or more current economic or political issues in the U.S.
To understand the contributions of Korean American soldiers during World War II.
Objective: Students will consider their unique identities and be introduced to intersectionality using Bernice Bing’s experiences to illustrate the many aspects of identity and oppression.
Create a zine to reflect and critically consider identities and the relationship between identity and context.
Lesson: Wong’s memoirs—Fifth Chinese Daughter (1950) and No Chinese Stranger (1975)—offer students many opportunities to examine issues related to Asian American identity, history, art, and storytelling. Depending on how much time you have, you can assign one or both books or specific passages; no matter the length of the reading, Wong’s stories and reflections lend themselves to provocative discussions.