Brushpainting: Nature in Art
Background Information
Islamic Calligraphy: Materials and Tools
In addition to giving artistic instruction on the art of writing, a teacher of Islamic calligraphy trained a student in how to prepare and use a multitude of materials and tools.
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An Introduction to Chinese Calligraphy
In China, painting and writing developed hand in hand, sharing the same tools and techniques.
Beliefs Made Visible: Religion and Art in South Asia
View the whole series of religious arts in South Asia.
Nian the Beast: A Lunar New Year Story
Watch a Lunar New Year story about a beast named Nian.
Zen Buddhism
An introduction to Zen, a form of Buddhism that emphasizes seeking one’s own Buddha nature through meditation.
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An Introduction to the Qu'ran
A brief introduction to the Qu’ran. Includes audio by Qamar Adamjee, Malavalli Family Foundation Associate Curator of Art of the Indian Subcontinent.
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An Introduction to the Han Dynasty
The Han Dynasty is one of the great dynasties in Chinese history, encompassing nearly four hundred years of expansion and consolidation which coincided with the period of the Roman republic and empire in the West.
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The Life of the Buddha
The Buddha—that is, the “Enlightened One”—lived nearly 2500 years ago in northern India. His followers have always seen his life as a shining example to all, but what “really happened” is now impossible to know for certain. Even the earliest stories of his life include miraculous events that may seem hard to take literally. Later versions are even more elaborate, and they differ from one another in many details.