Museum Hours
Thu–Mon: 10 AM–5 PM
Tue–Wed: Closed
200 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Educational Research and Resources

Asian Art Museum Research

Bridge Program Summative Report (2015)
The purpose of this summative evaluation study was to collect data from teachers about use of the website, how it compares to other resources for arts education and teaching about Asia, current comfort levels for teaching about Asia, and the current quality of on-site school and teacher programs, to determine the extent to which the project was meeting its goals. 

Baseline Visitor Experience Study Summary of Key Findings (2015)
The Asian Art Museum is undertaking a process to examine and rethink its interpretive approaches in the galleries. In order to make more informed decisions about the ways in which we engage visitors with art, the museum commissioned a Baseline Visitor Experience Study. This study was designed to help the museum understand and learn from how visitors experience the museum. It included their perceptions from before they step in the door, to how they navigate the space, to how they react to and interact with the art and the interpretive tools offered. The museum staff worked with Audience Viewpoints Consulting to design and conduct the study, which took place over the course of four months in 2013.

Bridge Program Remedial Report (2013)
The purpose of this evaluation was to assess the Asian Art Museum’s education website to ensure the museum’s resources on Asian art and culture are accessible and relevant to teachers for use in the classroom. This evaluation was prepared by Audience Viewpoints Consulting.

Bridge Program Evaluation: Phase 1 Baseline Report (2010)
A teacher needs assessment commissioned by the Asian Art Museum and written in a collaboration between Dana Powell Russell, Ed.D., Independent Evaluation Consultant, and the Institute for Learning Innovation. This research gave the museum a broad understanding through an online survey and focus groups of teacher needs for curriculum and programs on Asian art and culture, and how the Asian Art Museum’s current materials and programs are perceived and used by the K-12 community. The study is helping the museum strengthen the reach, usability, and impact of its educational programs and resources through its Bridge Program. Interim and summative data will also be collected as the Bridge Program unfolds, with the intent of measuring progress against the baseline results and toward program goals and objectives.

Additional Research & Resources

Asia for Educators
An initiative of the Asia for Educators Program at Columbia University, this site provides an extensive database of educational resources on Asia, including curriculum units and online lessons.

UCLA Asia Institute
“Promotes Asian Studies at UCLA and fosters greater understanding of Asia through a wide variety of research support, public programs, and community outreach on East Asia, Southeast Asia, and South Asia.”